Gallery - NBSAC Artefacts 0001 - 0125

NBSAC Artefact Lists 2020 v17 - records (0001-0125 tmp)
This file shows details (that we know) of the artefacts recorded so far and shown on the Gallery Page below.
Note: this is the final file of the artefacts.
NBSAC Artefact Lists 2020 v17 - records [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [483.5 KB]

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NBSAC Artefacts

Due to downsizing of our club facilities, most of the artefacts shown here have been disposed of. A few club historical items have been retained.
As far as possible at the time  the original owners had the opportunity to have them back.

Contact me regarding Artefact or Asset  items!

If you have any information on NBSAC artefacts, with history of a specific artefact, please contact me:


Or, mobile: 07801 388007

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